UK based Zimbabwean made face of UK National Grid

By Trevor Kioshi Sagota

Edith Kanyoka is UK-based Zimbabwean engineer. Probably you saw her on your timeline after she broke the internet when she became the face of the UK National Grid Group.

In Zimbabwe there are many people like Edith sadly they are not given the opportunity to showcase their intelligence and ability instead they are in the streets jobless or selling anything.

However if you are a Young engineer and your into STEM, This is What Edith Kanyoka have to say to potential future men and women in engineering?

On becoming and being an engineer:

What inspired you to become an engineer?

I have always been interested in how things work, science and technology have always fascinated me. I have never just accepted that things happen and have always had a keen interest not only in how things work, but also how they were developed and how they can be improved upon going forward.

What barriers (if any) have you encountered in your career?

Engineering has always been seen a male-dominated industry, whether that’s been a conscious or unconscious view. If we applied that thought process to any other profession e.g. law, medicine, or indeed business in general it would now seem ridiculous. I’m a firm believer in a meritocracy; the best person for the job. Women sadly have been under-represented in engineering – this is changing slowly but culturally this needs a step change. This sometimes results in self-imposed pressure to prove you are just as good – double competence.

What advice would you give to potential future women in engineering?

I would say just be yourself, keep pushing and be the best you can possibly be. I’m a firm believer that if you work hard and aren’t afraid of taking on responsibility you will succeed even against any barriers you may encounter.

I’m a believer in renewable energy, especially as a mother. Electric vehicles are an exciting leap forward, especially on the sheer scale and speed at which they are being implemented.

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